Thursday, January 6, 2011

Getting new faces on the trainers...

This is what it is all about... Get someone on the bike and make him work hard to get to the point where they want to be.  Adrian has been riding off and on for about a year now and it seems like he never puts full effort into his cycling.  Of course he has been getting better over the year but he never seems to push himself over his limits in order to really make any gains.  Well today I got him on the trainer, I tightened up the tension, blasted the speakers, and gave him some motivational yelling!  He had the hardest workout he has ever had in his life.  On the trainer there is no coasting... you have to push yourself, you have to get past the pain and keep those legs moving.  I'm sure he will feel it tomorrow but I know that he gave it all he had.  Put the effort into every ride you do and your goals will be accomplished.

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