Sunday, February 20, 2011

Jalapeño 100 done...

Wind. Heat. Lots of work. 100 miles done.

 The day started off real nice, not like last year where it was wet and muggy.  Last year my truck got stuck in the mud as we were parking in the field.  This year it was nice and dry, the wind was already blowing but not that bad.  I knew that as the day went by, the wind will get a bit tougher.

Everyone was ready at the starting line. Waiting to do 100 miles. Waiting to take on hours of wind, sun, and more wind.  What are we thinking? lol  Well off we went, I had decided to go with the fast group with Sergio before the ride and we took off.  I was in a group with lots of Wally's Group riders so I just stayed in the group not noticing that Sergio had left with a group that was in front.  By the time I saw that he was not there I saw that they were a good distance away so I said to myself maybe we will speed up a bit and catch them later one.  That was not the case, we took an easy pace and cruised along. I was not disappointed because I would rather take a nice 100 than a 100 where I would be dead at end lol...  Slowly the large group I was in started to break apart leaving only the stronger riders.  Me and a couple of cycling buddies, Karen and Lauren, had to push hard to catch the faster group ourselves because we were the only ones left.  These are some strong girls pulling at 23 against the wind is some speed that some guys can't even do.  I managed to help them out doing my fair share of pulling to catch up to a bigger group where we could rest.  Later on we left that group too and took the rest of the way back on our own picking up another Wally rider, Pepe, and Wally himself whom was on mile 145 of his 200 mile journey that day!!!   It took us a good 5 hours and 28 minutes to finish my second Jalapeno 100 which shatters last years time almost in half!!!!  GOOD TIMES!

 Cindy and Justin ready to get riding. They finished their second 100 30 minutes faster than her last time.

 Arlene ready to attempt her first 100.  She did 60 mile which is still an awesome feat.

Adrian finished his first 100 miles!~

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