Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Getting the week started right!...

Or so it seemed...

 I believe that there are days when you are not meant to ride.  Days that things just don't go right.  Every hint is presented to stop and not go but we keep on.  Well today was one of those days.  Woke up in the morning, got my gear on, filled the water bottles and went outside to see that it was drizzling... sign one... Ehhh, just a little water!  Took off to Starbucks where we meet up to start our ride. At Starbucks I notice that my back tire is bouncy, boooo a flat.  We pulled over at a bank drive-thru to switch out the tire. Tube was changed, aired up and off we went on our endurance ride.  Serge wanted to prove a point to Mike today that he is not a weak wheel-sucker so he attempted to drop us at mile 3!!! We just looked at that loser and rode behind letting him pop his collar all he wanted lol...  Everything was great, my shoes were soaked but the rain had stopped.  On mile 26...bouncy rear tire AGAIN!!! Pulled into the police station parking lot to change tube again.  All hope was lost when I found out that my pink gay wheel lever lived up to its gayness and broke  while trying to remove my Maxxis Refuse tire....some of the hardest tires to get on and off a rim in my opinion. Well called it a day at this point and called up my friend Cindy to come and pick me up. Two rides in a row that I have call the ride due to a flat....better not become a habit!!!! 

While waiting for Cindy to come by I decided to take some pics of my bike, like I always do... All of a sudden two police cruisers surround me and the cops get off and start questioning me.  They ask what was I doing...What is that a "bike?".... "Weird of you to be taking pictures of the police station"...."Drop your pants"... well not that last one! but they did harass me for a bit accusing me of planning up a terrorist plot! CRAZY.  A terrorist in tights! Yea Right! lol

After that we went home. Cleaned our bikes. Shed a tear.

Mike fixing my wheel at the bank.

Second flat on side of frontage road. Were Mike abandoned me.

My cheap lever. homo!

My bike in front of the police station. Right before I got accused of being a terrorist.

Serge happy that he showed Mike he is not a wimp today. He was fist pumping.

Me sad that a police officer patted my tights down.

Made serge clean the bike... He really thinks I will give him a dollar.

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